Senin, 13 Juli 2009

Changing Yourself

One of the substance as a human life is to become being social. We can't live alone without other people. Every day, every time, and every moment, always interact with community in our environment around. Of course, we want live in community suitable with our expectations. If we are in a good community, certainly not a problem. But, what if our community is poorly? Can we change it?

And, in the narrow perspective, in a personal relationship, for example relationship between the boss and employee, relationship between the parent and son, etc. Sometimes, relationship running well. Other times, relationship become into poor condition. We thought that was doing well to other people. So, what should we do?

I think, we can't change our community or other people into suitable with our expectations. Firstly, we must change ourselves. One good apple can't change all of the bad apple in the basket. It's almost impossible to change bad communities, and most of the time, a good person will become a bad person easily in a bad communities. The key to resolve this dilemma is take control ourselves, our mind. Because I'm a buddhist, so I look in buddhis perspectives. Buddha's teachings emphasized on self-introspection.

"Hopefully, I tolerate to face something that can't be changed,"
"Hopefully, I strong to face something that can be changed",
"Hopefully, I wise to differentiate, what kind of things can be changed with can't be changed"
(Handaka Vijjananda)


By : Tedy Ho

2 komentar:

  1. Halo. Saya mengetahui link blog-mu dari blog Ratana Kumara. Btw kok nggak pernah di-update lagi blog-nya?

    Oh ya, kenapa masih pakai Blogger? Kan sekarang udah ada Wordpress, Multiply, dsb. Pakai Wordpress memang agak ribet. Tapi pakai Multiply gampang kok dan bisa bikin album foto dan sebagainya.

  2. Dear Lyta,

    Halo juga kawan... Iya blog saya ditautkan dgn blog Ratana Kumaro oleh si empunya blog. Malahan blog saya sebelum ditata ulang ditempatkan "sebangku" dgn nama-nama kelas berat seperti para Bhante yg memiliki reputasi luar biasa.

    Saya pakai Blogger karena baru coba-coba aja, jadi belum memiliki referensi plus-minus nya. Maaf ya, baru saya balas comment dari anda.

    Semoga anda sehat dan bahagia...
